Nothing is ever truly safe in Darkest Dungeon, with even the most innocent of activities proving perilous.

Different leisure activities also have the risk of inflicting different “quirks”, debuffs that can only be removed in the sanitorium. Leveling up the town with the relics you find will increase the effectiveness and capacity of your buildings, as well as providing better gear and skills for your leveled up heroes. Characters take sanity damage while in the dungeon, which must be healed by participating in leisure activities in the town. The end of each dungeon run is not where your ordeals end. Boss fights are unlocked by repeated completions, and high level heroes are required for more brutal tasks. To this end, the player creates parties of 4 heroes from 10 different classes to try to survive 1 of 5 different objectives. A letter from the previous lord before his suicide beckons the player to these lands, and in tow a slew of heroes that will harrow the darkest dungeons to slay foes and reclaim the relics and glory of the town. You play as a faceless and nameless protagonist, assumed to be some kind of inheritor to a once great estate that has fallen into ruin through a series of demonic deals and occult rituals. As an amalgam of successful mechanics, it succeeds, but as a macabre and deeply atmospheric world, it thrives. Easily consumed in small chunks or large sittings, every run is another step towards the eventual endgame. Darkest Dungeon mixes quick and satisfying gameplay with long term base building and team management, adding more than a dash of roguelike randomization. From Red Hook studios comes your latest reason to skip meals. My newest romp with a Kickstarter alumni comes from Darkest Dungeon, and similar to the stoner friend of yester paragraph, it too has kept me up for several nights much to the detriment of my health. Still, every once in a while, he pulls through, so you still stop by from time to time just to see what he’s peddled this month. Hes always talking about all the connections he has and shit he can make happen, and he more often than not makes a complete dick of himself. Sometimes the shit he gives you is shit, and sometimes he doesn’t even bring the shit at all.